Band Squat Twist

Pro Tip

Look in the direction of your hands throughout the movement to limit neck discomfort. The band can be wrapped around any stable object if a power rack or pole is not available.

How To

  1. Squat with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and pointed slightly outwards so that your thighs are parallel to the ground or lower.
  2. Wrap a band around a power rack or pole at the level of your shoulders while in this position.
  3. While in a full squat position and facing perpendicularly to the band, rotate your torso to face and grasp the band with the palms of your hands clasped.
  4. Exhale and press through your feet to stand while also rotating your torso away from the band and raising your arms diagonally upwards.
  5. Continue until you are fully upright with your arms extended diagonally overhead.
  6. Inhale and squat down while rotating your torso toward the band and bringing your arms diagonally downward across your body, returning to the starting position.

Primary Muscle Groups


Muscles of your butt.


Outer sides of your abdomen.


Muscles spanning the front of your thigh.

Secondary Muscle Groups

Back Shoulder

Outer region of your upper back as well as the back area of your shoulder.

Front Shoulder

Front portion of your shoulder.


Muscles spanning the back of your thigh.

Inner Forearm

A group of muscles on the inside of your lower arm.

Inner Thigh

Muscles spanning your inner thigh.


Largest muscle of your back, spanning from the lower to middle regions creating a v shape.

Lower Back

Center region of your back, spanning from the pelvis to just below the neck. However, parts of it are hidden beneath other muscles. The lower portion is the most visible.

Lower Chest

Largest portion of your chest, spanning from your sternum to your shoulder. It takes up a majority of your chest and is multiple times larger than your clavicular head.

Outer Forearm

A group of muscles on the outside and sides of your lower arm.

Upper Back

A significant portion of the upper region of your back. It is widest in the middle, forming a diamond shape that connects the middle of your back to both of your shoulder blades and the upper portion of your neck. It is comprised of three regions. Each region has a different function and is trained in different ways.

Upper Chest

Smallest portion of your chest, spanning from your clavicle to your shoulder. It takes up a very small area of your chest and is multiple times smaller than your sternal head.


Handle Band

These bands are usually the easiest to grip. If none are available, you can use a loop band instead.


Exercises that target the same primary muscle groups and require the same equipment.


Exercises that target the same primary muscle groups with different equipment