Hack Squat Machine

Pro Tip

Keep your feet flat on the floor of the machine, do not allow them to raise.

How To

  1. Stand on the machine with your legs fully extended and the pads rested on top of your shoulders.
  2. With your legs shoulder-width apart and while holding onto the handles, exhale and lower your body by breaking at the hips.
  3. Continue until your thighs are at least parallel with the floor of the machine.
  4. Inhale and push through your feet to stand back up, returning to the starting position.

Primary Muscle Groups


Muscles of your butt.


Muscles spanning the front of your thigh.

Secondary Muscle Groups


Muscles spanning the back of your thigh.


Hack Squat Machine

This machine can help you improve your squat strength.


Exercises that target the same primary muscle groups and require the same equipment.


Exercises that target the same primary muscle groups with different equipment