Side Plank Hip Adduction

Pro Tip

Do not forget to breathe rhythmically for the duration of the movement.

How To

  1. Lie on your side with your upper arm positioned directly under your shoulder and forearm rested on the ground, with your other across your chest.
  2. Place one foot on the ground and the other on a bench.
  3. Raise your hips upward while raising your ground leg up to the bottom of the bench.
  4. Hold yourself in this position for the duration of the movement.
  5. After all reps are completed, switch sides and repeat the movement. 10 reps prescribed means you should perform 10 reps on each side (20 total).

Primary Muscle Groups

Inner Thigh

Muscles spanning your inner thigh.


Outer sides of your abdomen.

Secondary Muscle Groups

Side Shoulder

Outer portion of your shoulder.



This means that the exercise requires you to use your bodyweight as resistance but you also need other equipment to successfully perform the exercise.

Flat Bench Without Rack

If you can't find this bench, consider using a flat bench with rack instead. If your exercise requires you to use a barbell or bar, you cannot substitute. If you do not need to use either, you probably can substitute.


Exercises that target the same primary muscle groups and require the same equipment.


Exercises that target the same primary muscle groups with different equipment